Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Since it is 2008, Josh and I decided to update ourselves and join in with all the blogging ( its so in right now!) It's our first time, so don't judge us too harshly!

1 comment:

Carrie Carp said...

Blogging... it's so hot right now!
Welcome to the club, I used to be anti, but then I realized I could meet up with all my long-lost cherished friends. Sorry I've been so out of the loop for approximately 3 years, but I think I've finally got my hormones in check and would LOVE to get together sometime if you're up for it! So good to hear from you!

Our wedding--The best day ever!

Our wedding--The best day ever!
I am such a sucker for wedding pictures so I thought I would post one of us!

My graduation, May 2008

My graduation, May 2008